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Is Catnip for Cats Safe?
Catnip for Cats

Is catnip for cats safe? It is. Catnip produces harmless short-lived euphoric effects on cats and is widely considered safe even when cats ingest it. When given in small doses, its effect lasts for approximately 15 minutes. Catnip is not addictive to cats and there are no known long-term effects of catnip on cats. It is also safe for kittens, but they won’t react to catnip until they’re six months to 1 year of age.

However, consumption of too many leafy greens can upset their stomach. There are certain situations when catnip should be avoided. For instance, catnip for cats should not be used when cats are known for their aggressive behavior as catnip can intensify this behavior. Avoid giving catnip to sick cats as it could impede recovery. If you find unusual changes in a cat’s behavior for an entire day after exposing it to catnip, contact a veterinarian immediately.ย 


Catnip a day keeps a cat’s grumpiness away. Kittens are quite active and full of energy, but adult cats prefer to be in their lonely, comfortable, and quiet zone. If you want to unleash the flip side of your adult cat, introduce catnip. Grab a tub of popcorn and watch your cat going crazy for catnip. The perennial herb is strong enough to make cats playful and calm. One sniff and you will witness your feline euphorically flipping, jumping, and rolling. So why exactly do cats like catnip? How does it affect cats? Is it safe to give catnip to cats every day? Let’s sniff deeper.


What is catnip and why is catnip for cats recommended in small amounts?

Catnip, also known as Nepeta Cataria, is a plant in the mint family called Lamiaceae (family of basil, rosemary, oregano, sage, thyme, and lavender). It is a three to four feet long plant with square stems, greyish-green and heart-shaped leaves with sharp edges, and white and lavender flowers. The leaves and stems of catnip have essential oils. Among the essential oils, nepetalactone is the oil in catnip that affects cats. The herb makes felines sedative; some act weary, some display loads of energy, while others are just mellow.

catnip for cats

Catnip for Cats: Effects

The aromatic leaves of catnip (also known as catmint) are similar to an addictive substance for felines but cats do not get addicted to catnip. Cat ancestors used to rub catnip leaves on their bodies to keep insects at bay as it worked as an insect repellent. The mint-based plant releases happiness hormones from cats as they experience immense pleasure when it is rubbed on their bodies.

Catnip’s impact on felines depends on its form of consumption. Far from being toxic, catnip ignites interesting and varied behaviors in cats. Nepetalactone is an active substance in the plant that binds with the receptors and stimulates the cat’s sensory neurons. Felines may behave wild, calm, aggressively playful, or mellow with the overstimulation of cells.

Many say that catnip has a similar effect on cats as cannabis has on humans. But according to, cats do not like cannabis and cannabis is not safe for cats. While both plants (Cannabis and Catnip) produce euphoria, it is not safe to give cannabis to cats as it contains THC that can cause forgetfulness, mild hallucinations, and sometimes, acute psychosis.ย According to the Scientific American, nepetalactone activates receptors in the olfactory bulb of cats which sends signals to the amygdala and the hypothalamus. These regions play a role in regulating everything from hunger to emotions. Maybe that’s how catnip works like magic on cats.

The effect of catnip can last for five to fifteen minutes. However, some cats are immune to catnip so it might not have any effect on such cats. Don’t get disheartened. Try other ways of making your cat happy and active. Here’s a complete guide on entertaining indoor cats.


Benefits of catnip for cats


Works as a calming agent

When you are shifting to a new home, cats might feel stressful and anxious while traveling or during the adjustment period of adapting to changes. In such cases, you can sprinkle catnip on your cat’s toys, bedding, or the floor. Catnip induces a calming effect in cats with anxiety issues and eases the process of adapting to changes for them.


Catnip for cats helps to improve their sleeping habits

Catnip for cats works best for helping them deal with sleep disorders or insomnia. The soothing properties present in catmint encourages felines to relax and makes them fall asleep. This makes catnip a medically safe natural sleeping aid for cats. However, if you are looking for ways to train your cat to let you sleep peacefully, don’t give catnip regularly as your cat will eventually get immune to it. Try other ways as mentioned in this article How to Train Your Cat to Let You Sleep at Night?


Mosquito repellent

Mosquitoes are pesky and irritating as they wouldn’t get off the cats, and constant scratching can lead to itching and redness on the cat’s skin. So, keeping mosquitoes away from cats is vital to maintaining their sanity. You can use catnip as a mosquito repellent by rubbing catnip leaves on their bodies.


Makes playtime fun

Some cats prefer to stay indoors either by choice or because of their health condition. In such cases, it becomes challenging to encourage lazy cats to have a good playtime. Catmint is the most favorable way for engaging sedentary or indoor cats into physical activities. If your cat does not want to play with its usual toys, try adding some catnip on them. However, do not add catnip on strings and feather toys. While going crazy over catnip, your cat might end up consuming the strings. This can disturb their gastrointestinal tract.


Catnip for cats aids in training cats

Training cats is not easy. If humans try to instruct cats on what they should do, cats get stressed out and depressed. That’s obviously not what we want for our cats. Next time you want to train your cat, leverage the happy chemicals of catnip by giving it to them in the form of a treat for positive reinforcement. It might work in your favor without stressing out your feline friend. Catnip has the ability of making your cat more focused and amicable during the training process.


Is catnip for cats fully safe? Any exclusions?

Though there are no adverse effects of catnip on cats, it is advisable not to give plant-based matter in large amounts. Over administrating catnip can result in vomiting, gastrointestinal issues, or diarrhea in cats. Mostly, cats will not over-consume catnip as they are good at self-regulating. However, you should keep a tab on their consumption patterns.

Keep the catnip out of their reach after giving it in small amounts for 5-10 minutes. Also remember that cats go crazy after getting exposed to catnip so while playing or running around in their euphoric zone, they might get hurt. Ensure nothing sharp or poisonous is lying around in the house. If you wish to know how to cat-safe your house, here’s a comprehensive article on cat-proofing homes. It will give you a thorough understanding of the dos and don’t while sharing life with cats.


Dos and Don’ts of catnip for cats

  • Catmint isn’t a thing that you should give daily to your cat. Only offer small doses of catnip to your feline friend once a week.
  • Use catnip as a treat so your cat remains excited to have it.
  • Instead of dried herbs, use fresh catnip plants. Using a planter or a pot, you can also grow catnip in your garden.
  • There are many healthy and reliable catnip toys such as compressed catnip balls, catnip bubbles, and other products you can use for your cat. Ensure to purchase catnip products and toys that are safe for your feline (for instance, avoid using catnip with strings).
  • Please do not force your cat to have catnip or play with catnip toys, as not all felines are attracted to it. Some may be immune to it and find no interest in the plant. So, consider your cat’s choices.
  • Do not give catmint to aggressive cats as it can make them grumpier, which can cause uncontrollable destruction.


Catnip for cats: Ways to Use

There are many ways to give catnip to cats, including catnip sprays, catnip plants, dried catnip, catnip balls, and catnip toys. You can administer catnip to your cat using different methods and select the one that works best for them.

Catnip is the most natural and complete way to induce happiness in cats. Although catnip’s potency lasts only a few minutes, it puts your cat at ultimate ease, soothes them, and delivers overall health benefits. Despite all the plus points of catnip, please consult with your vet before giving catnip to your cat.

Want to know what other plants are cat safe? Click here.

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Neha Suvarna

Neha Suvarna is a writer and mother of 3 beautiful cats. From a person who feared cats to now, her transformation is remarkable. Nehaโ€™s love of cats began with Mira and continues to grow stronger every day. Today she canโ€™t think of a life without her rescues and wonders why she was ever scared. Neha dreams of owning a farmhouse with lots of space to run a shelter for stray cats someday.




Neha Suvarna

Neha Suvarna is a writer and mother of 3 beautiful cats. From a person who feared cats to now, her transformation is remarkable. Nehaโ€™s love of cats began with Mira and continues to grow stronger every day. Today she canโ€™t think of a life without her rescues and wonders why she was ever scared. Neha dreams of owning a farmhouse with lots of space to run a shelter for stray cats someday.



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