Cat medical supplies & grooming essentials

While you should take your cat to the veterinarian for any major ailments, it is important to be prepared to handle all facets of their health and safety. Having a few cat medical supplies on hand can help you deal with minor injuries or illnesses. These supplies can also help you tremendously to administer first aid in case of a medical emergency.
We’ll also include some grooming supplies in this list as well. It makes sense to store these two essentials in close vicinity to each other for easy access. Just ensure that you have two separate boxes or pouches to keep them separate.
We are continuously learning at Top Cat Guide and regularly write about Cat Health & Wellness and Cat Hygiene & Grooming. So stay updated!
IMPORTANT NOTE: The items on this list are great to keep at hand but please DO NOT self-medicate. Top Cat Guide highly advises you to consult your veterinarian and use/administer under Medical supervision.
Top Cat Guide is a pet project (pun intended!) to help cat lovers and parents everywhere. We aim to build a reliable cat care resource with answers to questions we ourselves had while raising our beautiful rescues.
Table of Contents
External application
Ointments for scrapes and small wounds
Cat Medical Supplies for fleas, ticks and worms
Eye and ear medication
Cat medical supplies – internal medicines
Illness recovery and anti-fever medication
Anti-allergic medicine
Medical accessories
Check your cat’s temperature when you feel something amiss. The normal body temperature range for cats is between 100.5ยฐF and 102.5ยฐF (38.1ยฐC and 39.2ยฐC).
For lubricating the thermometer for anal temperature readings.
Surgical Gloves
Best to glove up when checking/treating any wound or infection
Antiseptic wipes
Surface antiseptic and disinfectant wipes. Useful in wound cleaning.
Sterilized Cotton
Sterilized cotton is a must-have for humans and pets alike for disinfection and dressing.
Sterile gauze covers up wounds from catching dirt and grime; re-infecting the wound.ย
A handy pair of surgical scissors can help clear tufts of fur to expose the infected area to disinfect and help with dressing.
Keep a few tweezers around to help extract thorns and splinters as well as to hold cotton to disinfect scrapes and sores.
Magnifying Glass
The perfect tool to have a good look at the problem at hand.
Hot water bag
Especially useful when kittens fall sick and need help regulating their body temperature.