Recommended Top Cat Supplies

Our love for our cats knows no bounds. As dotting cat parents, we always want to give them the best we can afford.
Recommended top cat supplies is a curated list of products we have tried, which found favor with our beautiful rescues. So from food to accessories, we remove the guesswork from questions like ‘what food should my cat eat?‘, ‘what kind of medical gear should I have at hand?‘ and give it to you straight. We have listed a few options that featuring budget and expensive products per category to help you out.
In the interest of transparency, we must say that a good number of top cat supplies have an affiliate link. If you choose to purchase using the links, it helps us earn a small commission to keep this site running without any additional charge to you. Thank you so much.
Top Cat Food
Cats are obligate carnivores and as such there are tons of different brands of Cat food out there … not all of them good. Cat parents are responsible for the needs of their feline, including nourishment requirements that keep changing with time. So it’s not always straightforward to choose the right cat food. Top Cat Guide can help cut down some of that noise.
Medical & Grooming cat supplies
While you should take your cat to the veterinarian for any major ailments, it is important to be prepared to handle all facets of their health and safety. Having a few medical supplies on hand can help you deal with minor injuries or illnesses. These supplies can also help you tremendously in case of a medical emergency to administer first aid.
Toys & Furniture products
Cats are beautiful creatures who have a natural instinct to play. Playing has definite benefits from improved metabolism and long life to forging better bonds with you. So, you might want to keep a few cat toys at hand to keep them active, and mentally stimulated. Cats could also do with some furniture to play on, scratch, and grab a few winks. If you are unsure where to start, we have listed an assortment of toys and furniture that have found favor with our cats to help you decide.
Litter, Waste & Cleanup essentials
As responsible cat parents, we often wonder about the best litter and other products to use that help keep the house clean; for our cats and for us as well. Even though cats are considered clean creatures, we are aware of the challenges of maintaining a clean home. There’s the endless fur, the occasional vomit, and some oopsies along the way. Hereโs a list of products that help with the chores so you can get back to playing or snuggling with your furry feline friend.
Carriers & Cages
Most cats unlike dogs are not very enthusiastic about traveling. And like us humans they don’t like going to the veterinarian. Whether it’s vet visits or just moving house, a good cat carrier is a must. No cat lover likes confining their feline to a cage. But sometimes it is imperative. If yours is a multi-cat household you may have to use one to keep your sick friend quarantined from the healthy cats till they get better. We list some that get the job done.
Miscellaneous Top Cat Accesories
Holsters, dishes, feeders, water fountains, and other miscellaneous cat accessories we didn’t know how to categorize!
Top Cat Guide is a pet project (pun intended!) to help cat lovers and parents everywhere. We aim to build a reliable cat care resource with answers to questions we ourselves had while raising our beautiful rescues.