Cat toys & furniture

Cats are beautiful creatures who have a natural instinct to play. Playing has definite benefits from improved metabolism and long life to forging better bonds with you. So you might want to keep a few cat toys at hand to keep them active, and mentally stimulated.
Good cat furniture encourages cats to play and their innate instincts to climb, scratch, leap and observe from their private perch. Durable and cat-safe furniture will (to some degree) distract your cat’s attention away from the destruction of your favorite armchair. If you are unsure where to start, we have listed an assortment of toys and furniture that have found favor with our cats to help you decide.
Do check out our articles on Cat Behaviour to keep your babies happy.
Top Cat Guide is a pet project (pun intended!) to help cat lovers and parents everywhere. We aim to build a reliable cat care resource with answers to questions we ourselves had while raising our beautiful rescues.
Table of Contents
Cat Toys
Assortment of fun cat toys
An interesting assortment of toys to play with your precious baby. We must add that toys by themselves aren’t as interesting to cats as much as the person playing with them. Have fun, make memories, smile, give and receive love. Few things in this world are as fulfilling as building that special bond with your furry feline friend.