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6 Ways to Help Sick Cats
6 Ways to Help Sick Cats

Cats are excellent at hiding their problems. Thus, despite wanting to help sick cats, cat parents fail to do so in time as they cannot actively observe signs of physical or mental sickness in cats. The signs mentioned in this article will help a cat parent to be aware of the pain or stress their cat might be going through. A cat parent may not be able to interpret exactly what their cat is trying to convey through these signs, so it’s best to take them to a veterinarian immediately to get the cat examined and treated. 


Your cat is probably begging for help if you observe signs like constant excessive hiding, vomiting, vocalization (howling, crying), limited or no usage of the litter box, fatigued, changes in eating, grooming, and sleeping patterns, blood in the cat’s urine, changes in stools, and a wobbly gait.

Here are six ways to identify sickness in cats and help them.

Cats Hiding More Frequently

6 Ways to Help Sick Cats

Hiding is a natural behavior for cats, but excessive hiding is a cause for concern. It shouldn’t affect a cat’s daily activities. Cats’ sudden hiding behavior indicates they are stressed, sick, or scared. Female cats hide when they are closer to giving birth. Changes in your home environment, like new furniture, people, or place, may make your cat uncomfortable.

Ways to help sick cats with excessive hiding behaviour 

Cats usually hide when they feel sick. Rush your cat to the vet if you notice a loss of appetite, lethargy, and increased hiding behavior in your cat. Give your meow pal time to adjust to the new place or new people. Don’t force your cat to get out of their hiding. Be gentle and compassionate.

Create comfortable and cozy hiding places for them. You can do this with a cardboard box and some old clothes. Place your cat’s favorite human’s old clothes in a cardboard box slightly bigger than the cat’s size. Place this box in an area that is out of people’s sight. If your cat shows signs of boredom while hiding, you can use these tricks to entertain them.


Cats not using the litter box

6 Ways to Help Sick Cats

If cats are missing their trip to the litter box, it may be because of an underlying health issue, such as urinary tract infection, feline interstitial cystitis, bladder stones, kidney failure, liver disease, or diabetes. Due to a decrease in movement or mental capacity, older cats may urinate anywhere in the house other than the litter box. The cat may have an issue with the litter box’s availability, accessibility, and cleanliness. Your cat might also be trying to communicate her concerns through limited usage of the litter box.

 Ways to help sick cats with litter box problems

Do not punish your cat for soiling outside the litter box. Try to figure out why your cat is doing so. Make sure that the litter box is clean and kept in an accessible location that is peaceful. Take your cat to the vet for a physical examination. This article covers several ways to help cats facing litter box problems.


Changes in cat’s grooming patterns

Cats are excellent and frequent groomers. But if you observe them grooming more or less than usual, you should figure out the reason. Lesser grooming could be because of dental issues, lower back pain, obesity, or arthritis. Aging cats may suffer from senile dementia and forget to groom themselves. Early separation of kittens from their mother may be another reason why some cats haven’t learned the skill of self-grooming.

Overgrooming may also be a matter of concern. The cat may lick excessively to relieve stress (also known as psychogenic alopecia). It may also groom excessively due to underlying conditions like skin allergies or skin parasites.

How to help sick cats resolve grooming pattern changes?

You may apply malt paste on the body parts of the cat that are easy to groom. Attracted by its flavor, they will lick it off and this activity may encourage them to begin grooming. Regular brushing of your cat from head to tail removes dirt and stimulates blood circulation. Consult your vet if your cat is neglecting its appearance.

Use interactive play therapy to stop overgrooming behavior. It works as a stress reliever and confidence booster and helps cats associate play time with happiness. A spray or pheromone product, like Feliway, can help relieve stress.


Sudden changes in cat’s appetite

The term “polyphagia” refers to a medical condition when a cat eats more than usual. It may be due to diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or poor absorption of food in the gastrointestinal system.

Decrease or loss of appetite may be due to a dental issue, kidney disease, cancer, liver disease, infection, dislike of a particular type of food, or stress.

Ways to help sick cats resolve appetite issues

Visit a vet for a medical examination who may recommend a blood test, urine tests, organ tests, oral examination to check for dental disease, and an endoscopy. After a proper diagnosis, the vet may design a dietary plan for your cat.


Cats with a wobbly gait

Your cat’s wobbly gait may be an indication that your feline may be suffering from a condition called ‘ataxia,’ which is a loss of muscle coordination. This may occur due to an underlying medical condition. In this case, a part of the brain called the ‘cerebellum’ is damaged.

How to treat ‘ataxia’ in cats?

Symptoms can be treated as there is no cure for ataxia. Get in touch with your vet for the diagnosis and treatment.


Bad breath in sick cats

Causes of halitosis or bad breath in cats may be due to inflammatory gum conditions, oral tumors, chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, or gastrointestinal trouble.

How to treat bad breath in cats?

It would help if you brushed your cat’s teeth with toothbrushes and toothpaste specifically made for cats. A vet can do professional cat teeth cleaning. This will reduce plaque and tartar build-up. A vet may need to perform a diagnosis if the cause of halitosis is other than gum disease.
A dental hygiene routine will solve most dental problems in cats and allow them to live better, longer, and pain-free. Read more about cats’ dental health here: Why does my cat’s mouth stink?


Other warning signs that your cat is begging for help

  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Coughing
  • Discharge from the eyes and nose
  • Excessive vocalization
  • Sudden weight gain or weight loss
  • Blood in vomit, urine, and stool
  • Losing excessive hair
  • A lump on the body

We look at 10 Warning Signs of Sickness in Cats indepth here.

Cats are masters at hiding discomfort or illness-related symptoms. Therefore, deciding what your cat is going through may be difficult. The signs mentioned above will help a cat parent to know the pain or stress their cat is going through. But to get the correct diagnosis, one should seek veterinary advice. Regular health check-ups, vaccinations, and a planned diet can give your cats a healthy and happy life. Your cat would then not cry for help but will ‘trill’ to express their affection towards you.

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Neha Suvarna

Neha Suvarna is a writer and mother of 3 beautiful cats. From a person who feared cats to now, her transformation is remarkable. Neha’s love of cats began with Mira and continues to grow stronger every day. Today she can’t think of a life without her rescues and wonders why she was ever scared. Neha dreams of owning a farmhouse with lots of space to run a shelter for stray cats someday.




Neha Suvarna

Neha Suvarna is a writer and mother of 3 beautiful cats. From a person who feared cats to now, her transformation is remarkable. Neha’s love of cats began with Mira and continues to grow stronger every day. Today she can’t think of a life without her rescues and wonders why she was ever scared. Neha dreams of owning a farmhouse with lots of space to run a shelter for stray cats someday.


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