Top Cat Guide

Top 10 Human Foods Toxic to Cats
toxic to cats

What’s nutritious for you could be toxic to your cats. Cats are obligate carnivores with different nutritional requirements. Human foods like milk, onion, garlic, grapes, nuts, raw eggs, and caffeine are toxic to cats. Symptoms that your cat has eaten something toxic include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, breathing difficulty, wheezing, excessive thirst, frequent urination, unsteady gait, dilated pupils, fever, and drooling.

Consult your vet before introducing your cat to a new food or if you notice any unfavorable changes in your cat’s health.


Cats may develop serious health issues if they consume certain human foods. The toxicity might lead to vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, kidney failure, and even death. So, despite your cat’s whining, certain foods are a strict no-no to them.


List of 10 human foods toxic to cats


Milk and Dairy Products

Many of our feline friends are lactose-intolerant. It is the inability to digest lactose in dairy products because of a deficiency of an enzyme called lactase in the body. Being lactose intolerant, some cats cannot process milk, yogurt, cheese, and other dairy products. This may lead to diarrhea or digestive upset. You can provide lactose-free milk substitutes to your cat after consulting a vet. After fermentation, milk products’ lactose level is greatly reduced. These include sour cream, lassi, yogurt, kefir, cheese, and cultured buttermilk. While giving these to your cat, sugar or salt shouldn’t be added. However, you should cease giving fermented foods to your cats if you observe any adverse reactions to their health.



Cats love the flavor and smell of tuna fish. It may not be toxic, but feeding too much tuna can lead to malnutrition and mercury poisoning. So, moderation is the key.


Onions, Garlic and Chives

Onions, Garlic, and Chives are extremely toxic to your cat. They lead to gastrointestinal irritation and anemia. These veggies and herbs damage the cat’s red blood cells. Garlic is more harmful than onions and may cause Hemolytic Anemia, Heinz Body Anemia, and Methemoglobinemia. Onion poisoning may cause pain in the cat’s abdomen, pale-colored gums, and even physical collapse.



Drink and foods containing alcohol can be fatal for your cat. It may cause breathing difficulties, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, decreased coordination, coma, and even death. Cats find the taste of alcohol unpleasant and are naturally not drawn to it due to its smell. But one has to keep a watch on hidden sources of alcohol and keep them away from the cat’s sight.


Grapes and Raisins

You may think that grapes and raisins may provide nutrition to your cat. But are you aware it could lead to kidney failure in cats and make them sick? It may also lead to hyperactivity, reduced appetite, and vomiting.


Caffeine and Chocolate

Caffeine toxicity may lead to restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, and muscle tremors. Theobromine compound present in chocolate is fatal for cats. Consuming chocolate can cause abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and death. Cocoa powder is poisonous to cats. So, keep chocolates and caffeine away from your feline companion.


Raw Eggs

Raw Eggs carry bacteria like salmonella or E. coli, which can cause gastrointestinal problems for your cat. Avidin, a protein in raw eggs, interferes with the absorption of biotin, which may cause biotin deficiency in cats. Biotin is essential for the fur and skin health of cats.

Signs of raw egg toxicity may include vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and fever. Like raw eggs, raw meat and fish can cause cat food poisoning. Cats should consume only cooked eggs. Well-cooked scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, and poached eggs with no seasoning are a perfect source of protein for your cat. But it should be an occasional treat, not a regular one.



Salt and salty snacks consumed in large quantities may lead to excessive thirst and urination in cats. Vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, elevated body temperature, seizures, and even death are the signs of overconsumption of salty foods. It is better to avoid treating your cats with salty potato chips and other salty savories.



Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that may be poisonous to cats. Products that contain xylitol are chewing gum, toothpaste, mouthwash, candy, and mints. It may lead to a condition known as hypoglycemia in cats and liver failure. Other signs are sudden lack of coordination, vomiting, lethargy, seizures, and coma.



Almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, and pecans may lead to digestive problems and even pancreatitis in cats. Macadamia nuts can cause lethargy, vomiting, hyperthermia, and tremors in cats.


Other foods toxic to cats

Yeast dough, Dog food, Green Tomatoes, Raw Green Potatoes, Coconut, Coconut Oil, Avocado, and Fat Trimmings


Symptoms that your cat has eaten foods toxic to cats

  • Loss of appetite
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Wheezing
  • Excessive thirst and frequent urination
  • Unsteady gait
  • Dilated pupils
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Coma
  • Drooling


Cat parents should immediately rush their cat to a vet if they observe any of the above symptoms in their cat. It is recommended to remember what your cat has eaten in the last few days. This will help the vet to make a correct diagnosis of your cat’s condition. Cat parents should keep away toxic foods from their cat’s reach.


Prevention is better than cure. A lot of stress can be avoided if your cat’s eating habits are monitored, and healthy alternatives to toxic foods are offered. An unhealthy snack or treat to make your cat happy could be detrimental to his health. Try healthy options instead, like treats from B.A.R.F India and Canine India.







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Neha Suvarna

Neha Suvarna is a writer and mother of 3 beautiful cats. From a person who feared cats to now, her transformation is remarkable. Neha’s love of cats began with Mira and continues to grow stronger every day. Today she can’t think of a life without her rescues and wonders why she was ever scared. Neha dreams of owning a farmhouse with lots of space to run a shelter for stray cats someday.




Neha Suvarna

Neha Suvarna is a writer and mother of 3 beautiful cats. From a person who feared cats to now, her transformation is remarkable. Neha’s love of cats began with Mira and continues to grow stronger every day. Today she can’t think of a life without her rescues and wonders why she was ever scared. Neha dreams of owning a farmhouse with lots of space to run a shelter for stray cats someday.


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