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How to Identify If a Cat is Sick? 10 Warning Signs
sickness in cats

Jul 30, 2022 | Cat Health & Wellness

Identify whether your cat is sick by checking her skin, breath, poop color and consistency, appetite changes, and overall behavior. Some warning signs of sickness in cats include skin irritation, bad breath, weight changes, frequent vomiting, increased thirst, nasal and eye discharge, behavioral changes, increased vocalization, limping, and imbalance, to name a few. It is assumed that cats are excellent at hiding their pain/ discomfort. They usually carry a casual (indifferent) demeanor even when sick. Thus, cat parents will have to be more observant to know if their cat is sick. Regular health check-ups are essential. If you notice any physical or behavioral changes in cats, visit a veterinarian immediately. 


Despite the utmost care and attentiveness cat parents provide to their cats, there are many cases where illness in cats goes unnoticed until it becomes a fatal disease. This happens because cats usually prefer being silent while dealing with their sickness. Cats behave a bit disconnected when unwell. This could be a subtle hint that your cat is sick but not the obvious one.

We have put together some warning signs to help you identify whether your cat is sick.


Common Symptoms of Sickness in Cats


1. Diarrhea

Cat diarrhea is one of the most common symptoms, indicating that you must immediately rush your cat to the vet. Diarrhea can be infectious, endocrine or metabolic, inflammatory, poisonous, or obstructive. It can be controllable or malignant, depending on its causes. If ignored, diarrhea in cats can lead to deadly complications.

2. Frequent Vomiting

It is usual for cats to throw up hairballs or vomit after eating. But it is abnormal when felines frequently vomit for several days. Pet parents must not ignore frequent vomiting in cats because it can be a severe matter of concern and indicate an intestinal blockage, infection, or liver disease. Hence, ensure to have a mandatory trip to the veterinarian.


3. Coughing

Mostly, cats cough when they experience irritation in their respiratory tract. Bacterial or parasitic infections can cause inflammation of the lung’s airways, making your cats cough. Viral respiratory infection or asthma, also known as chronic bronchitis, can also be a cause of coughing in felines. This requires immediate medical attention.


4. Problems with eyes or ears

Felines may be exceedingly uncomfortable if there’s something wrong with their ears. You might see cats scratching their ears if they suffer from ear infections because of pesky parasites or ear mites. Redness in the eyes or discharge from the cat’s eyes is a sign that they’re suffering from an eye infection that needs immediate medical attention.


5. Increased or decreased appetite 

If your cat refuses to eat frequently, it may be because of an oral infection. If not treated, issues such as dental problems or indigestion may lead to other serious health conditions. On the contrary, if a cat is overeating, it might not always be hungry, but it can be a symptom of cancer, diabetes, or hyperthyroidism.


10 Warning Signs of Sickness in Cats

Hidden Symptoms to Identify If a Cat is Sick

You need to be extra cautious about these hidden symptoms, especially because they can go unnoticed for a really long time and lead to a fatal outcome.

6. Changes in weight

Cats can gain weight due to increased body fat or may also lose weight when they eat less. However, apart from these obvious reasons, if you notice a sudden drop in your feline’s weight, it could be a sign of an underlying disease like chronic kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, or even cancer. If your cat suddenly gains weight, it can be because of hypothyroidism, parasitic infections, tumors, or pregnancy.


7. Changes in grooming pattern

Felines are obsessed with self-grooming. But, excessive grooming could mean your cat is sick. Cats over-groom due to anxiety. Over-grooming can cause allergies and skin problems in felines. On the counter side, unwell cats stop grooming themselves as they lack the energy to do so.


8. Behavioral changes 

If your super active and fun-loving furry ball suddenly prefers to be alone, it could be a matter of concern. An abrupt decrease in socialization may show that your feline friend is in pain or feeling unwell. Cats are masters at hiding their pain and will be in their zone by switching off socializing. The sudden change in their behavior states that something is awry and requires crucial attention.

You may also witness changes in vocalization (excessive meowing, hissing when you least expect it), changes in facial expressions that could look like a grimace, increased and unexpected aggressiveness, or even abnormal postures that may take the stress away from the affected body part according to VCA Animal Hospitals.


9. Bad breath

Though a cat’s mouth does not smell as fresh as mint, foul breath from its mouth can be alarming. A severe bad breath is a sign of dental problems in cats. It can be tooth decay or gingivitis that may eventually cause infection leading to heart issues if left untreated. So, brush your cat’s teeth regularly and take them to the vet for further examination at regular intervals. Here’s an article to help you understand more about why your cat’s mouth stinks and how to help them.


10. Increased thirst (Polydipsia)

According to JWoodVet, a healthy cat may take in between 20 and 90ml of water per kg of body weight per 24 hours. This includes the water in food. Excessive consumption is when your cat drinks around 100ml of water per kg body weight per day. A cat, especially over 10 years of age, drinking unusual amounts of water could be a symptom of an underlying disease like diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, and hyperthyroidism. Most of these diseases are treatable, so do not ignore this red flag and take your cat to a vet if you see them consuming excessive amounts of water.


Identify whether your cat is sick by paying attention to the slightest difference in its behavior. But you will not be able to reach the root cause through mere home examination. So, schedule regular check-ups with the vet, irrespective of your cat’s age. Do not ignore the subtle signs and ensure taking preventive measures instead of rushing for the cure.


Read these 6 ways to help a sick cat to understand the signs a little more in-depth.

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Neha Suvarna

Neha Suvarna is a writer and mother of 3 beautiful cats. From a person who feared cats to now, her transformation is remarkable. Neha’s love of cats began with Mira and continues to grow stronger every day. Today she can’t think of a life without her rescues and wonders why she was ever scared. Neha dreams of owning a farmhouse with lots of space to run a shelter for stray cats someday.




Neha Suvarna

Neha Suvarna is a writer and mother of 3 beautiful cats. From a person who feared cats to now, her transformation is remarkable. Neha’s love of cats began with Mira and continues to grow stronger every day. Today she can’t think of a life without her rescues and wonders why she was ever scared. Neha dreams of owning a farmhouse with lots of space to run a shelter for stray cats someday.


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